You might think that lifting weights is only for bodybuilders, but know that lifting weights for weight loss is a great idea for everyone. It works for men and women, regardless of their fitness goals. So, wonder no more if lifting weights is good for you.

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Why Lifting Weights for Weight Loss Is a Great Idea

It’s tempting to stay within the confines of your comfort zone; however, when you do so, you don’t grow. When you push yourself and test your physical limits, you improve. Learn how to push yourself safely and test those boundaries of your comfort zone.

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Push Your Physical Limits to Conquer Your Mind

Running is a powerful way to improve your health and develop self-discipline. The big issue is learning how to start running the right way so you can develop a healthy running habit. Here are a few tips to get you started.

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How to Start Running and Make it Your Daily Healthy Habit

From living longer to better sleep to increased energy and stamina, and even reduction of risk of many diseases including cardiovascular problems and Alzheimer’s, there are so many benefits of running that it’s crazy to not try it, at least. Here are 10 of the most important running benefits.

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10 Awesome Benefits of Running That Improve Your Health

Meditation is an ancient technique our predecessors used to improve focus, relieve stress, and enter a calming, present state. But the meditation benefits reach far beyond just the mind and the present moment. Meditation can have long-term positive effects on your entire body, mind, and soul.

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How Meditation Can Improve Your Mental Focus

Intermittent Fasting is not a diet but a lifestyle. Scientific research has proven that intermittent fasting not only accelerates fat loss and decreases inflammation in your body, but it has long-term positive effects on aging and overall wellbeing.

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Intermittent Fasting: The Complete Guide You Need

Yoga is an ancient set of techniques that originated in India as one of the six Astika schools of Hindu philosophical traditions. In practice, yoga has a multitude of health benefits including improvements to your strength, flexibility, balance, posture, and weight loss. Yoga helps reduce stress and contributes to many other health factors.

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Why Yoga Workouts Are Great For Strength Training

Morning Meltdown 100 will get you shredded, agile, more flexible, stronger, and faster in just 100 days. This is my honest and personal review of this program. I absolutely loved it, and so will you!

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10 Reasons Why Morning Meltdown 100 Became My Favorite Video Workout

Do you remember the joy of childhood? Playtime and fun? Where did it all go? We’re all grown up and playtime is nowhere on our mind. But should it? Learn how adult play can actually improve your productivity and bring more joy and calm to your life.

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How Playtime for Grown-ups Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety

I’ve been a fan of physical exercise since… Ugh, I can’t lie to you. The truth is, I’ve hated exercise for most of my life. It’s always been a drag and the last thing on my mind. My brain needed nothing more than a chair to position my butt into and a computer. For the

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My Keto Journey: Exercise for Health

Intermittent Fasting has been a game-changer for me. Once I studied the science behind it and began experimenting, I realized that I’m on to something great. In this article, I describe my journey of combining my keto diet and exercise with intermittent fasting.

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Intermittent Fasting Results During The Keto Diet

My blog is mostly about personal development and fiction writing, but I also dab into other areas. This time, it’s all about health and wellness and, more specifically, about the ketogenic lifestyle. I’ve struggled with this for a while, and I feel like I’ve finally found a path that works for me. I wanted to

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My Keto Journey to Weight Loss and a Healthy Lifestyle