Writing skills are critical regardless of you wanting to be a professional writer. Communication, especially in writing is vital in today’s digital world, but it becomes especially important if you do want to be a professional writer.

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Many times, it’s the villains in a story we remember more so than the protagonist. That’s when the writer did an excellent job of creating a believable villain that people can relate to and either deeply hate or deeply love.

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How do they do it? How do they put words on paper every day and still live a full life? The secret lies in their writing habits and how famous writers apply them to their craft. There’s a lot to learn from these masters—here are the 10 most important writing habits that will help you become a better writer.

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Do you have a great idea and wonder if you could turn it into a non-fiction book? Maybe even a bestselling non-fiction book? Wonder no more – you can actually do that in 30 days with a few simple steps.

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Writing a novel is an exciting and fulfilling activity. But how do you start? Learning how to create a novel outline is one of the best skills you can develop to start with your first manuscript and finish it. You can download my free template in this article and start your first novel outline today.

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It’s easy to write an article, but how do you make people crave to read it? How do you ensure that it shows up in searches, and it can keep readers engaged through the end? Learn about it in this comprehensive guide.

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Have you ever felt blocked and uninspired? If yes, then Morning Pages might be the tool you need to unlock your creativity and leap into action. It’s a tool used by thousands to unfreeze their mind and allow their creativity to find its way out to the surface.

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To understand the hero’s journey, you first need to remember that every story that has ever been told can be analyzed and divided into several blocks. By breaking up a story into its components, you understand the structure of that story. Although there are no rules per se to define what a story structure should

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Blogging is a fancy word for writing, and having superior writing expertise is vital in the 21 st century. Whether you are exercising it on the computer or going old-style and using pen and paper, writing is vital for effective communication. Therefore, the students who improve their writing skills in college boost their chances of

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UPDATE: I have posted an updated version of this tool: Master Novel Outlining and Tracking Tool V3.0. After reading the posts for Novel Outline V1 and this one, I recommend reading the update to get a full understanding. A few months ago, I published a post that contained the first version of a novel outline

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Having a presence on the web is an absolute need for any writer who wants to become a professionally published author. This post teaches you how to achieve that goal by taking you on a step-by-step journey from the beginning to the end.

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When you create characters, you create a life where life didn’t exist before. But the way you create those characters will render them flat and non-memorable or multi-dimensional and complex so that readers will remember them. Multi-dimensional characters fuel the heart of every story. The characters (who) together with the plot (what) and the setting

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Becoming a master of using point of view is one thing that any writer should focus on from the start. It’s not the easiest concept to grasp, but it’s not rocket science either. However, if you disregard it, you could create some serious reader confusion. And a confused reader is a lost reader. By taking

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Writing a novel outline is one of those things that some people love and some people hate. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that I love outlines. Because of that, I’ve developed my own tool and method to deal with it, and I am sharing it here with everyone. Enjoy!

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Characters are at the heart of every story and developing memorable characters is a vital writing skill.

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