Feedback & Testimonials
Thank you very much for taking the time to provide your feedback on this program. I’ve put a lot of work and energy into it but, in the end, it’s only as good as it’s useful in real life. So, your feedback, impressions, and ideas, no matter how raw and direct, are always welcome.
This is an extensive material and I expect to continue to improve it over the next few years, so it’s very vital for me to listen to the people who got exposed to it, and understand how I can adapt it to meet their needs.
So, once again, thank you for your time not only to read this material but to come here and provide your feedback. I truly appreciate it.
Feedback System
As far as collecting the feedback, the form below is divided into two parts.
Private Feedback
The first part is your feedback directly to me. Everything in that field is completely private and will be used exclusively to improve the product.
Unless you check the box to register for articles via email from me, your email address won’t be used in any other way than for me to contact you back if I need to answer any questions. Otherwise, this form is fully governed by the site’s privacy policy and terms.
Public Feedback
The second part is the public feedback in the form of a testimonial. I am going to use my discretion to decide whether the testimonial can be displayed on the site, but by submitting it, you give me permission to do so. Your email address will never be shared, however, your URL, should you decide to provide one, will be displayed as a link.