Learn Blogging From Master Bloggers

Updated January 12, 2026 by Iulian Ionescu | Read Time min.

“Blog” = A blog (a portmanteau of the term “web log”) is a type of website or part of a website. An individual usually maintains blogs with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning maintaining or adding content to a blog. (http://www.wikipedia.org)

What is a Blog?

In other words, a blog can be anything where one or more people share their ideas related or not to a specific topic. It’s like a journal open to the world that allows the visitors or readers to interact with the content by adding their comments, suggestions, and own ideas. Usually, the blogger is more than a writer. A writer publishes a book or a story, and then only limited interaction exists between the writer and the readers.

Bloggers are social creatures. They create and maintain their blog; they post new entries trying to stimulate and engage the readers. Bloggers usually take care of their blog’s look-and-feel and take pride in making the blog look as appealing as it can be. But, at the end of the day, the question remains. Why blog?

Blog authorsThis question was asked many times, and many intelligent people shared their views. They all have their own perspective, and they all make sense, but ultimately they are all relative. So, my post here will not try to give you an answer to that question. More importantly, it will not attempt even to address the question “how do I blog better?” That’s because you cannot possibly know how to do something better before you know why you are doing it…

What this post will try to do is give you a list of highly recommended resources, what I consider the absolute “must-read” of all people whether they blog or think about blogging in the future. These resources will allow you to understand better what blogging is all about and how it applies to you personally. I will also try to point out some specific blog posts, which I believe are highly important and should be read first…

If you are already journaling, blogging might be the next thing for you to tackle.

Resources for Better Blogging


ProBlogger is a blog written and maintained by Darren Rowse. Since 2002, Darren has set on a quest to help other bloggers improve their blog writing skills through insightful articles, books, speeches, and other projects. ProBlogger appeals to beginners as well as veteran bloggers. With a wide variety of articles ranging from pure writing skills to advanced monetizing techniques for bloggers, ProBlogger is a must-read for any blogger out there. The author is extremely prolific with at least one new blog post every day, and his writing skill is very engaging and concise. This is one RSS Feed you don’t want to miss!


Copyblogger is a blog written by Brian Clark, and it’s probably one of the most influential blogs out there. As a successful entrepreneur, marketer, and writer, Brian launched Copyblogger in 2006. Since then, it grew in popularity to become one of the main sources of inspiration for many bloggers. Quite prolific as well, with one article almost every day, Copyblogger will help you get traffic, attract links, get subscribers, and sell your stuff! The blog deals with various aspects of blogging, marketing, and social media; it touches quite a bit on search engine optimization and other optimization techniques that will help your blog get noticed.


Daniel Scocco created DailyBloggingTips as one of the many web projects he was involved in since the 2000s. The blog got many awards and nominations and slowly became a vital resource for any serious blogger. I especially like how the articles are broken down into blog design, blog basics, etc. There are many articles in the archive to keep you busy for quite some time if you have never browsed here before.

Seth Godin’s Blog

Seth Godinhttps://seths.blog/
If I have to summarize Seth Godin in one simple sentence, it would be: “Seth Godin is a marketing God.” He truly is. And his blog is probably the most popular marketing blog out there. Speeches, books, news appearances – Seth seems to be everywhere. And yet, he still takes the time to write in his great blog. His posts are short and to the point and, unlike others, don’t allow comments. But they contain great ideas concentrated in poignant paragraphs and delivered in a magnificent style. Sometimes I find myself reading each post three times in a row just to let those ideas seep deeper into my brain. I highly recommend this blog to anyone who really wants to take a blog to the next level – with the “next” level being greatness.

Chris Brogan’s blog

I never met Chris Brogan. I don’t know him, and most likely, I will never meet him. However, he is really one of my favorite people. He is smart, cool, and willing to share his knowledge with the rest of the world – which is exactly what he does in his blog. He is a veteran in social media marketing and anything to do with online marketing and promotion. His blog goes back to 2004, and the amount of articles posted over time is just overwhelming. Perhaps you should start with his “Best Of” link that shows his favorite posts. They deal with topics on blogging, social media marketing, writing, and much more. Make sure to add this blog to your reader; you will not regret it!


BloggingTips is maintained by a group of writers, rather than just one writer as the other blogs presented above. However, their focus and their drive to help other bloggers are just as strong. They have a good guide for beginners and tons of posts dealing with topics good for advanced and novice bloggers. There’s also a community forum on the site where bloggers share ideas and learn from each other.

Important Blog Posts You Should Read:
What Would You Sacrifice to be a Successful Blogger?
My best advice about blogging
Spending Money to make/(lose) money
17 Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
18 Tips for New Bloggers
The 8 Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers
10 Foundational Tips for Bloggers Wanting to Make Money Blogging

Now, before you go, I have…

3 Questions For You

  1. What are some of your favorite blogs?
  2. What do you look for in a blog?
  3. Do you own a blog, and if not, why not?

Please share your answers in the comments below. Sharing knowledge helps us all improve and get better!



learning, technology, writing tips

  • “Learning from the masters is the fastest route to success! This blog title piques my interest—I’m excited to dive into the world of blogging with insights from seasoned pros. Can’t wait to uncover the secrets of top bloggers and apply them to my own journey.”

  • From all of these, Problogger is the main source for me. it may as you said in the article, Problogger meet requirement of veteran as well as beginner.

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